My area of research is animal behaviour. I work with lots of different species, both in the field in Kenya and Canada, and also at zoos
My interests are in memory and cognition, especially spatial cognition, in primates and other animals
From elephant, hyena and lion in Kenya to raccoons in our backyards, when humans and wildlife meet, interesting things happen!
Click on a file to download.
Sex Bias in Turtles (pdf)
DownloadOrangutans and music (pdf)
DownloadOrangutan vision (pdf)
DownloadRed Wolf reproductive biology (pdf)
DownloadComparative Cognition Outside the Lab (pdf)
DownloadWildilfe using a 'ghost gap' in Kenya (pdf)
DownloadColonization and usage of an artificial urban wetland complex by freshwater turtles (pdf)
DownloadSpontaneous preference for primate photos by orangutans (pdf)
DownloadThe future of artificial intelligence for animal monitoring (docx)
DownloadOrangutanPandemicWelfare2025 (pdf)
DownloadDepartment of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3